Monday, October 20, 2008

UNDeR Raya 2008 eat out & fun - Part 2

Since one of our member couldn't follow the other three to Genting, we just had to go there... again. Also again is the number of people involved. Yup, you guessed it. Three and thank god it wasn't the same people (out goes Wan, in comes Han).

The day started with the usual Raya activity; 2 houses of old friends of UNDeR was visited and later a late dinner at a sort-of-western-but-not-that-western-at-all restaurant somewhere in Taman Cuepacs. After dropping Wan off, we headed to Genting. And the rest... is explained in the pics below. What? No comment was made for the pics posted in the previous blogs?

Hmmm... malas-lah. (Same goes for this post's pics too)

Sunday, October 12, 2008

UNDeR Raya 2008 eat out & fun

As what we normally do on raya, we also had our own activities. This was one of it, comments to come later. Notice the absence of a member in the early part, and another in the later part (Darn you Acap! Wahahaha)


First full attendence, after 3 years of trying!

God, this is awful. Me and Arul have tried countless of times to arrange a meet where everyone is available. And it took us 3 years to do it. And due to that, i had decided to start this blog and use the pics taken at the time.

Bizzarely, one of our pics captured something that we couldn't identify. It wasn't a bug nor the streetlight. UFO? Ghost? Who cares. Whatever it was, we couldn't care less. Why?


Bad & Wan (missing sometimes)

Acap (missing all of the time), Arul and Han (missing most of the time)

We decided this to make this our official group pic (for now). Other gangs, eat your heart out!

See that thing above us there? What is it? Oh yeah, we don't care.

... but then again, we are humans.

Saturday, October 4, 2008


What's this? Another spinoff blog of my stupid and crazy fantasies or adventures?

This is UNDeR (originally B.A.W.A.H); a group of 5 friends, with me elected to make this sort of semi-official or mostly unofficial blog (darn you guys! Do it yourself lah!) on anything we'd like to share, whether you like it or not.

More info on the group, it's members, the latest info & etc. will be in the next post. Till then...