Monday, May 4, 2009

Bad's Update - 4/5/2009

Hmmm... seems that the gang members have been busy for the past couple of months. Han recently held a makan2 session to celebrate his first paycheck from his new job (1st ke?) and the labour day. Cheers, hats off and congrats to him. I've been stuck in that field for more than a year now. As usual, not all were there but some other gang-friends we present. And also as usual.... it's Acap (again and again) and Wan that was missing. Xle harap langsung! One more thing, i dropped a bomb on the gang that same nite, making Arul and Han... gaping in awe for a not-so-few seconds. What bomb? Well for one, we're not terrorist and second i don't fart in public, especially at the dining table. Read about this at my main blog.

Then a few days back we all went for a karaoke session. Acap was MIA again (balik kampung ke Acap???), but the other members were present. And what a session. A fusion of songs were selected and rap wasn't spared from our humiliating singing talent.

In any case, the gang is still alive and kicking~! Oh wait... singing~! ...awfully.... huhuhu....

Friday, March 20, 2009

Bad update - 21/3/2009

Ooooh.... nice2. It seems that this blog haven't been updated by the other jokers. As expected. Why? 1.We're not devoted bloggers (well... i'm a bit devoted, but not much), 2.We haven't hung out together for quite some time and 3.Even if we did, we couldn't care less to update it here.
There. That explains it. Anyhow, hoping to see the other blokes sometime next week. As for this week, everybody's busy with something in the morning. But we'll be meeting at night at our usual place

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Genting Jan'09 pics

Pics and nothing more...

The day started off well. Just look at the beautiful weather...

But this was what greeted us at the top. To make matters worse, most of the fun outdoor rides were closed. So, a quick (but bad and tasteless) lunch...

... a couple of pics and we were on our way to BTS to enjoy ourselves there instead.

There. Job done.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

A sort of holiday for us (I think)

Yes, it was sort of a holiday for us of UNDeR on Monday the 5th of Jan. Not only was it the first group activity of the year, as usual we were on e person short. Guess who was it this time...

Anyhow, the inital plan of mucking about at Genting Highlands came to an abrupt stop once we reached the top. The weather wasn't so bad, but almost all of the good rides were closed (in the name of maintenance or not). To add insult to injury, since we arrived round about lunchtime... we headed to the Kenny Roger's Roasters outlet only to find the food lacking in both taste and quality. Darn and darn again.

Facing this stupid condition, we decided to do the official photoshoot (soon to be released here) and hightail it back to KL... Berjaya Times Square to be exact. Okay, although it doesn't offer as much rides as Genting, at least it makes up by being indoor (rain? not a problem) and all the rides were opened on that day (Nice!). And so, we enjoyed ourselves to the max and called it a day.

BTW, if any of you feel the need to totally knock yourself out... do ride on the DNA mixer more than once. We didn't, so we rode only once.